Hello readers. This is just a quick, little update. I have 10 days until I leave for Canterbury and I am becoming pretty excited. As I believe I have told you (if I have not then you know now) I, along with the other international students, are required to go on field trips while studying in Canterbury. I have received the list of place that I will be going to just last night and I thought that you would like to know of them. I will be going on a guided tour of Canterbury’s Historical City and of Canterbury Cathedral. I will be going to Dover Castle and I will be seeing the Secret War Time Tunnels. I will get a guided tour of the Tower of London and I will get to see Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. I will also be getting a guided tour of Windsor, Windsor Riverside/Eton, and an audio guided tour of Windsor Castle. Then, lastly, I will be going to Oxford, Cotswold, Bath, Lacock, and Stonehenge. The last one is actually a weekend trip and it includes a few more places, but they are all inside the cities mentioned. I will, hopefully be able to take pictures and videos while on these trips. So you will be able to see what I see. Anyways, I hope you have a Happy New Year. ¡Adiós!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Update - 15 Days Before Take Off!
Hola readers. I hope you are having a good holiday break; I’m not quite sure what to label my break as; good, crazy, or some other adjective that I can’t seem to think of. As of now it is Christmas Eve and I don’t have much else to ad to my previous entries. My posts will hopefully pick up once I get to England and have more to talk about. Anyways, I have received my home-stay information. My host family/person is called Lyn, and I do not know for sure if they have a family or not. I suppose I will find out once I get there. Using MapQuest I looked up the distance between their house and my college over there and it is about a four minute driving distance to the college; so probably 10-15 minute walking distance.
I leave for England in 15 days on January 8th. I will be returning home on April 9th. I am taking four classes while I’m overseas; Modern Britain, British History, World Religions, and Middle Ages. I believe I, along with the other international students, will be taking about seven field trips throughout our stay in England. I am not sure where these field trips will be, but I will hopefully find out that information, once again, when I get to England.
Well, I suppose I will leave you here. I do not have much more to tell you. 15 days! I’m getting excited and scared all at once. It is a good kind of scared though, odd I know. Anyways, buenos días and Feliz Navidad.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hello once again readers. This blog entry will be brief, probably. Just a few days ago I went through my study abroad orientation. It was interesting, to say the least. I met the group of people that I will be traveling and even living with while in England.
I know few things about rules and such now. I may not have a roommate. My host family may in fact be just one person, like an elderly lady. The drinking age in England is 18, but we cannot get drunk. To do this would be rude, obviously, to the host family, and may cost us our stay in England. There are no true set of rules. The main statement that could be considered a rule is: Do not break the law. If you do, you are on your own. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but being stuck in a foreign country, all alone, with no way of getting home until your preset date, and no place to stay does not sound like a fun time.
I believe plans are going to be made for one of the other student’s birthday. He wishes to go to Dublin, Ireland and I think he intends to drag us along with him. I say ‘drag’ with a positive tone, since I to wish to see Ireland as well.
Schooling over in England is very different than in America, or so I am told. Some classes, apparently, only meet once a week and it is up to the student to make appointments with tutors and teachers for help with the material being taught. Also, finals are less of a test and more of a multi-page paper due on the subject of the class.
Anyways, my tuition is paid, and my plane ticket is ready. Now all I have to do is get through finals, pack my bags, celebrate Christmas, and wait for January 8th to roll around, though not necessarily in that order. I have to admit I am beginning to get nervous, excited, but nervous. I feel like I should be preparing to pack something else other than clothes, an umbrella, and other such necessities, but I can’t think of what. Oh well, I’m sure something will pop up.
For now I will leave you here. Buenas noches mi lectores.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Introducing the Student
Hello reader. You probably know this, but I will give you the info anyway. My name is Andrea. I’m 18 years old. I’m a Carl Sandburg College student. I am also going to England in 2 months via study abroad. I will be studying British culture, history, possibly Shakespeare, and who knows what else. I have been told that I will be going, with the other foreign students, on multiple field trips during my three month stay in England.
Specifically I will be living in Canterbury, England. Which I have been told is about an hour away from Canterbury. It is, as fellow Monmouthians would understand, the Galesburg to Monmouth. Like what I did there? So do I.
Moving on. Currently, I am waiting on two dentist appointments, and my study abroad orientation. I know what you are thinking, dentist appointments? Yes. I have to have the final caps/crowns put on two root canals, and I have to have a wisdom tooth pulled. Too much information? You’re reading a blog silly. This is pretty much my personal diary, which I am oddly enough sharing with everyone, for while I’m abroad. Deal, okie dokie?
I should probably tell you a little more about my trip and what exactly I have to do to get to England. My trip costs a fortune. I won’t tell you exactly how much, because I don’t really want to think about it. I will be staying with a host family and I should also have another foreign student in the same house, a.k.a. roomie. I do not know who my host family is at the moment, but I should soon. Hopefully I will know before I get on to my airplane. That would be nice. I have been told that I can take weekend trips to place like Rome, Paris, Ireland, Spain, etc. I have also been told that the flights to these places are fairly cheap, but who knows what will happen when I get to the other side of the pond.
An interesting fact; my school surrounds a massive church. Awesome right? I thought so too, until my grandpa told me that they used to bury their dead in their church’s floors and walls. This will have to be looked into. It is not that I’m scared of the dead people, only that I’m not sure if they would like me stepping on them. Whether this is rumor or fact, I do not know, but I shall find out and report back to you, dear reader.
I have been asked to add a little more detail about myself, so I will. Let’s see, my favorite color is purple. I love history, mainly mythology and ancient history. I love studying Egyptian and Greek mythology. I am learning Spanish, and hopefully I will learn other languages as well in the future. If my English teacher saw this blog entry she would have a heart attack. Not only for the sentence fragments, most of which I know are there, but also for the fact that I am writing more than 200 words.
I am not sure what else to tell you about. So, I will stop here. I may make another entry later on, but for now. Hasta luego.