Hello readers. This is just a quick, little update. I have 10 days until I leave for Canterbury and I am becoming pretty excited. As I believe I have told you (if I have not then you know now) I, along with the other international students, are required to go on field trips while studying in Canterbury. I have received the list of place that I will be going to just last night and I thought that you would like to know of them. I will be going on a guided tour of Canterbury’s Historical City and of Canterbury Cathedral. I will be going to Dover Castle and I will be seeing the Secret War Time Tunnels. I will get a guided tour of the Tower of London and I will get to see Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. I will also be getting a guided tour of Windsor, Windsor Riverside/Eton, and an audio guided tour of Windsor Castle. Then, lastly, I will be going to Oxford, Cotswold, Bath, Lacock, and Stonehenge. The last one is actually a weekend trip and it includes a few more places, but they are all inside the cities mentioned. I will, hopefully be able to take pictures and videos while on these trips. So you will be able to see what I see. Anyways, I hope you have a Happy New Year. ¡AdiĆ³s!
Very exciting! I have always loved the old world (unfortunately unforseen forces have kept me from going abroad). England in particular with the vast amount of mythology we inherit from there. Canterbury is right in that center of the spirit of that country. BTW... love your background