Hey everyone. Hope you all are doing well as Easter is coming around the corner. I’m home from England now, back in Illinois. One thing I should tell you all before you get on a plane and go see Europe yourselves; jet lag is NOT your friend. Fortunately, I just get tired, but some of the others that I came back with are not as fortunate. Be ready for anything. Another thing I came back with was a cold. I think I always have a cold; I just don’t have the symptoms all the time.
The last few days in Canterbury were emotional and interesting. I got my hair cut, which was an experience. They put you in a massage chair when they wash your hair. It’s kind of amazing. Then I had a girl’s day and the final day in Canterbury I spent with friends and packing. The girl’s day was fun. About 11 girls got together and we all went out to lunch at a little Italian restaurant that we all loved. We also went and got freshly-made ice cream afterwards. Some of the girls even went and got manicures at a nail salon. The last day in Canterbury was spent at yet another Italian restaurant with another group of friends. We spent most of the time trying not to think about how we were all leaving the next day, or the day after. We joked and laughed and eventually everyone went home.
I spent the rest of the night packing everything that I hadn’t put in a bag yet and tried to get some sleep. Which didn’t work at much since I woke up at midnight and didn’t go back to sleep until 8pm or so the night I got back home. Now I’ve started working at my job again and I’m going back to school soon. I’m taking classes in the summer semester for some more credit hours. I’m still adjusting to the time difference, but I’m not as tired as I thought that I would be.
Nothing else is really happening. So I suppose I will leave you here. I may post some more entries in the future, but I can’t guarantee anything. I hope you all have fun in your own adventures.
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