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Friday, December 24, 2010

Update - 15 Days Before Take Off!

Hola readers. I hope you are having a good holiday break; I’m not quite sure what to label my break as; good, crazy, or some other adjective that I can’t seem to think of. As of now it is Christmas Eve and I don’t have much else to ad to my previous entries. My posts will hopefully pick up once I get to England and have more to talk about. Anyways, I have received my home-stay information. My host family/person is called Lyn, and I do not know for sure if they have a family or not. I suppose I will find out once I get there. Using MapQuest I looked up the distance between their house and my college over there and it is about a four minute driving distance to the college; so probably 10-15 minute walking distance.

I leave for England in 15 days on January 8th. I will be returning home on April 9th. I am taking four classes while I’m overseas; Modern Britain, British History, World Religions, and Middle Ages. I believe I, along with the other international students, will be taking about seven field trips throughout our stay in England. I am not sure where these field trips will be, but I will hopefully find out that information, once again, when I get to England.

Well, I suppose I will leave you here. I do not have much more to tell you. 15 days! I’m getting excited and scared all at once. It is a good kind of scared though, odd I know. Anyways, buenos días and Feliz Navidad.


  1. Make sure you get into Doctor Who and eat lots of Hobnobs and Jaffa Cakes while your there

  2. Time is clicking by and before I know it, you will be far away. Very excited and proud of you.
